who we are
AQUASIS is a pioneer, in Portugal, in the development and application of innovative technological solutions, for engineering problems analysis, decision making planning and support and infrastructure systems operation and maintenance, ensuring business processes normalization in Companies and Management Entities and facilitating the achievement of synergies in the development of its activity , making them more competitive, more efficient and more sustainable.
We link the knowledge of business processes, cutting-edge technologies and passion for innovation.
This is our DNA.
vision, mission, values and talents
Our Vision is to be recognized as a strategic partner and make our solutions a market reference.
Our Mission is to provide services, develop products and implement solutions to enhance operational efficiency and cost rationalization for Water Supply Systems, Sanitation and Waste Management Entities, using Information Technologies.
Our Values excel in the Satisfaction of our Customers, excellence in the service and quality of our products, innovation and flexibility in the search for new products / services, the well-being of our employees and team spirit and confidence in the relationship with shareholders
As for our Talents, we have a highly qualified team that uses the know-how of business processes with technological developments, with passion for innovation and a strong commitment to our customers and partners.

our timeline
X Fórum de Partilha de Experiências e Divulgação de Boas Práticas
Em 18 de novembro de 2022, a AQUASIS organizou o X Fórum de Partilha de Experiências e Divulgação de Boas Práticas, sobre o tema “Desafios à Gestão Eficiente das Infraestruturas". O Evento decorreu novamente no Grande Auditório do Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), em Lisboa, após um interregno de dois anos em que, devido à pandemia, se realizou em formato virtual (online).
O elevado número de participantes e a partilha de conhecimentos, experiências e reflexões proporcionadas pelos oradores convidados, que trouxeram a debate alguns dos principais desafios que o setor tem vindo a enfrentar, apontando os caminhos de futuro, foram mais uma vez determinantes para o sucesso alcançado.Encontro Operação de Infraestruturas e Manutenção – 2022
O crescente interesse da indústria, na implementação de sistemas integrados de gestão de operação e manutenção das suas infraestruturas, impulsionou a AQUASIS a organizar, no dia 28 de junho de 2022, o Encontro de Operação de Infraestruturas e Manutenção – 2022, com o tema enquadrador “Desafios da Manutenção Industrial". O Encontro teve lugar no Auditório da Região Sul da Ordem dos Engenheiros, em Lisboa, e contou com o apoio da Ordem dos Engenheiros e da IBM.
Sendo a manutenção industrial um tema de grande atualidade e pertinência, o Encontro destacou os principais desafios colocados no setor, contando com a presença de diferentes setores de atividade e de profissionais da área da manutenção e operação de infraestruturas. -
IX Fórum de Partilha de Experiências e Divulgação de Boas Práticas
Em 9 e 10 de novembro de 2021, a AQUASIS organizou o IX Fórum de Partilha de Experiências e Divulgação de Boas Práticas, sobre o tema "PRR – Impacte no Setor da Água".
Em consequência da pandemia COVID-19, também em 2021, o Evento foi realizado sob a forma digital, através da organização de um conjunto de webinars: 2 webinars para as sessões do Fórum e 6 webinars para workshops dedicados à apresentação de soluções específicas para o setor da água (AQUAWorks, AQUAMAN, Infrawise, Flowise, Meterwise e G/InterAqua (M.App Enterprise e WebMap Mobile).
O IX Fórum da AQUASIS contou com 551 participantes, em representação de 62 Entidades Gestoras, 32 empresas do setor e 14 Universidades / Instituições.Webinar "Cibersegurança e Gestão de Ativos"
Em 30 de julho de 2021, a AQUASIS organizou um webinar subordinado ao tema “Cibersegurança e Gestão de Ativos”, que contou com um número muito significativo de participantes.
O webinar procurou dar a conhecer as obrigações decorrentes do atual quadro legal no âmbito da Cibersegurança, avaliação de risco, o impacto na gestão dos ativos, e quais os passos necessários para uma correta resposta por parte das entidades de serviços essenciais.Novo Website da AQUASIS
Em julho de 2021 foi lançado o novo Website da AQUASIS.
30º Aniversário AQUASIS
A AQUASIS comemorou no dia 22 de fevereiro de 2021, o seu 30º aniversário.
Têm sido muitos os desafios enfrentados, sempre com o objetivo claro de continuar a trabalhar, reforçando a sua aposta na inovação e continuando a prestar serviços de qualidade. -
III Annual Event on Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance - 2020
It took place on December 15, in the form of a webinar, with the framing theme "Maintenance in times of pandemic - perspectives for 2021" and was aimed at Management Entities and Companies in the water sector and also at industry in general. with the objective of promoting topics of interest and current affairs and sharing experiences in the use of solutions for information management and for the efficiency of operation and maintenance, on the path to recovery and transformation caused by the pandemic.
The Meeting had a high number of registered entries: 226 registered, representing 17 Companies, 23 Managing Entities and 1 UniversityVIII Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
The VIII Forum for Sharing Experiences and Dissemination of Good Practices, took place on 20 and 21 October 2020, under the theme "People and Alignment with the IT Strategy – Value Generation. The Forum had a very high number of registered entries: 513 registered, representing 17 Companies, 52 Managing Entities and 5 Universities/Institutions.
These Forums, which have been held in person as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 it was not possible to organize the event, neither in the usual manner nor in the usual times, having chosen to be held in the form of a webinar.Spain 2020 Webinar Cycle
In 2020, AQUASIS organized a meeting aimed at companies and professionals in the Water and Sanitation sector in Spain on the topic “Technological Solutions to improve the hydraulic and operational efficiency of water services”.
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the holding in Spain was not feasible, so a cycle of 5 webinars was organized, which took place in the months of June, July, September, October and November 2020.
The webinars focused on the presentation of the AQUASIS, AGS and Hexagon Geospatial valences and on the demonstration of the AQUASIS and AGS solutions for the water sector. -
II Annual Event on Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance
It took place on November 28 in the auditorium of the Ordem dos Engenheiros, under the framing theme "Digitalização | Dematerialization | Efficiency | Management" and was aimed not only at Management Entities and Companies in the water sector, but also at industry in general, with the objective of promoting the dissemination of topics of interest and current events and sharing experiences in the use of solutions for the management of water. information and for efficient operation and maintenance on the path to digitization.
Change of Facilities
In June 2019, AQUASIS moved its headquarters to Quinta da Fonte, Paço de Arcos, in facilities shared with AGS.
VII Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
The VII AQUASIS Forum took place on May 17, 2019, in Lisbon.
With the framing theme "Fighting Losses - Contribution of Technology", the VII Forum brought together 416 participants, representing 176 organizations, divided into 61 management entities, operating in the areas of water supply and wastewater treatment, 47 companies in the sector and 13 Institutions/Universities. -
AQUASIS integrates AGS Group
On June 12, 2018, the sale process of 55% of the share capital of AQUASIS held by the AdP Group - Águas de Portugal was concluded, with the delivery of shares to AGS - Administration and Management of Health Systems, S.A..
VI Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
The VI AQUASIS Forum took place on May 25, 2018, in Lisbon.
The risks and impacts of climate change and the importance that digital transformation may have in the context of implementing measures aimed at ensuring greater resilience in the management of water supply and wastewater sanitation systems were highlighted at the VI Forum.
With the framing theme "Climate Change - Digital transformation in resilient management of systems", the VI Forum brought together 391 participants, representing 126 organizations, divided into 58 management entities, operating in the areas of water supply and wastewater sanitation, 50 companies in the sector and 18 Institutions/Universities. -
V Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
On May 19, 2017, AQUASIS organized the V Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices, which had as its central theme ""Water 4.0 – Smart Cities".
The 5th edition of the Forum was dedicated to the contribution of information technologies to a more intelligent management of the urban water cycle. It brought together managing entities from all over the country and national and international speakers of excellence.
The event was attended by 424 participants, representing 161 organizations distributed as follows: 73 Managing Entities of water supply and wastewater sanitation systems, 72 companies in the sector and 16 Institutions/Universities. -
IV Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
On May 6, 2016, AQUASIS organized the IV Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices, on the topic of Productivity of Infrastructures / Knowing to Manage Better.
This Forum follows on from those held in 2013, 2014 and 2015 and was a place where the Managing Entities had the opportunity to share, debate and publicize their success stories in the implementation of Information Systems to support their activities operational.
The knowledge of the work developed and the growing evolution of the vast set of Management Entities that use AQUASIS solutions, and their diversity and quality, justified the creation of this space for dissemination and sharing between Management Entities and Companies in the sector, which face the same challenges of efficiency and quality of service.
The IV Forum had a special symbolism for AQUASIS, as it coincided with the year of celebration of the Company's 25th anniversary.
Held in the large Auditorium of LNEC, the meeting was attended by 381 people, with 115 companies represented, of which 54 national and foreign managing entities, operating in the areas of water supply and wastewater sanitation, confirming the relevance of the event whose format favors giving voice to the experience of managing entities as users of information technologies for the management of their assets, such as those that AQUASIS has been developing and implementing for 25 years.25th anniversary of AQUASIS
AQUASIS celebrated on February 22, 2016, its 25th anniversary.
As a result, the clear objective of continuing to work, reinforcing its commitment to innovation and continuing to provide quality services, in order to increase AQUASIS' recognition in the water sector as a strategic partner in the national and international market. -
III Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
In its 3rd edition, the AQUASIS Forum for Sharing Experiences and Dissemination of Good Practices, held on May 22, 2015, at the Large Civil Engineering Auditorium (LNEC), in Lisbon, brought together 343 participants.
The meeting, which had as its central theme "Innovation in the Management of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems", was attended by 108 Companies, of which 57 Managing Entities, national and foreign.
The theme of financing SG under the PO SEUR (Sustainability in the Use of Resources Operational Plan), Investment Priority Axis III, related to the water sector, was one of the main themes addressed, given its relevance for development of the sector. -
II Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
On May 15, 2014, AQUASIS organized the II Forum for Sharing Experiences and Dissemination of Good Practices, on the topic of Efficiency and Quality of Services: How to Add Value with IS.
This Forum follows on from the one held in 2013 and was a place where the Managing Entities had the opportunity to share, debate and publicize their success stories in the implementation of Information Systems to support their operational activities.
The knowledge of the work developed and the growing evolution of the vast set of Management Entities that use AQUASIS solutions, and their diversity and quality, justified the creation of this space for dissemination and sharing between Management Entities and Companies in the sector, which face the same challenges of efficiency and quality of service.
This II Forum sought to broaden the topics covered, not focusing only on Geographic Information Systems (GIS), seeking to address the main macro-processes developed by the Managing Entities, from the perspective of the fundamental role of the IS in the performance of these same processes.
Held in the large LNEC Auditorium, the meeting was attended by 272 people, with 119 companies represented, of which 45 national and foreign management entities, operating in the areas of water supply and sanitation. -
New Mobility Solution
In 2013, the new mobility solution for integrated management of work orders was launched, associated with the GIS G/InterAqua solution.
I Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices
On April 18, 2013, AQUASIS organized its I Forum for Sharing Experiences and Dissemination of Good Practices, with the theme of GIS as a factor of Efficiency and Competitiveness in the Water Supply and Sanitation EG, which took place in the Large Auditorium of National Civil Engineering Laboratory in Lisbon.
The objective was to stimulate a moment of sharing of good practices supported by GIS solutions and to stimulate the exchange of ideas on how GIS-based approaches can add value and efficiency to the operation's management. The program of the SIG Forum for Sharing Experiences and Disseminating Good Practices consisted of a set of communications made by different Management Entities, including those from Spain and Angola.
The event was attended by 254 people, within a universe of 272 registered, having brought together 84 Companies, of which 44 Managing Entities, national and foreign. -
Development of the AQUAMAN solution
In 2012, AQUASIS, in partnership with IBM, started a project to develop the new Maintenance and Asset Management Solution (SMGA), called the AQUAMAN solution, supported by the latest version of IBM's Maximo software.
Consolidation of Information Systems at EPAL, E.P.
In 2011, AQUASIS signed a contract with EPAL - Public Company of Águas de Luanda, EP, with a view to consolidating the Geographical Information System (Geo-cadastro) and preparing the project for the Telemanagement System for the Water Supply System to the Province of Luanda.
SIMBA GIS solution
In 2010, AQUASIS proceeded with the design and development of a GIS solution, called SIMBA - Multi-municipal Information System of Baixas, to support the preparation of Master Plans aimed at establishing partnerships for the joint operation and management of Municipal Systems within the scope of the Strategic Plan for Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation, for the period 2007-2013 (PEAASAR II).
Corporate Responsibility System Certification
AQUASIS successfully concluded, in December 2009, under the Corporate Responsibility System (SRE), the certification processes in the following areas:
Quality, according to the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 standard;
Environment, according to the NP EN ISO 14001:2004 standard;
Health and Safety, according to the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard;
Social Responsibility, according to the SA8000:2008 standard. -
RSP Award 2008
In 2008, AQUASIS was awarded, for the third time, internationally, within the scope of the 2007 Registered Solutions Provider Awards, instituted by Intergraph Corporation for the performance demonstrated in the development and implementation of solutions based on Intergraph Corporation technologies, in the case of AQUASIS , the GIS G/InterAqua solution.
Development of GIS G/InterAqua for the waste sector
In 2008, AQUASIS established a partnership with ALGAR, Valorização e Treatment de Resíduos Sólidos, SA (Company of the AdP Group, responsible for the collection, valorization and treatment of solid residues, in the Algarve region) for the development of the GIS G solution /InterAqua for the waste sector.
The GIS G/InterAqua solution for the waste sector includes an engine for the optimization of collection circuits and a Mobility component, with navigation functionalities.Change of Facilities
In 2008, AQUASIS moved its premises to the new headquarters building of the AdP Group.
In 2007, for the second consecutive year, AQUASIS was awarded internationally within the 2007 Registered Solutions Provider Awards, instituted by Intergraph Corporation for its performance in the development and implementation of solutions based on Intergraph Corporation technologies, in the case of AQUASIS, the GIS G/InterAqua solution.
G/InterAqua in Spain
In 2007, AQUASIS entered the Spanish market, through Intergraph Spain, having implemented the GIS G/InterAqua solution at EMALSA, Empresa Mixta de Águas de Las Palmas, S.A. and EMAYA, Empresa Municipal dgüeAigües i Clavegueram S.A.
In 2007, AQUASIS entered the Angolan market, having implemented the GIS G/InterAqua solution at EPAL - Empresa Pública de Águas de Luanda, E.P..
RSP Award 2006
In 2006, AQUASIS was recognized and awarded internationally within the 2006 Registered Solutions Provider Awards (http://synergy.intergraph.com), instituted by Intergraph Corporation, for its performance in the development and implementation of based solutions in technologies from Intergraph Corporation, in the case of AQUASIS, the GIS G/InterAqua solution.
SMGA Development and Implementation
In 2006, AQUASIS developed, in partnership with AdP - Serviços Ambientais, SA, the Asset Maintenance and Management Solution (SMGA) in AdP Group Companies, supported by Maximo software.
ORACLE partnership
In 2005, AQUASIS became a member of the Oracle Partner Network, with the level of Golden Partner. Under this partnership, the GIS G/InterAqua solution benefits from ASFU (Application Specific Full Use) licensing.
Implementation of GIS G/InterAqua
In 2004, AQUASIS concluded the development of the new GIS G/InterAqua application, having carried out the first migrations from the InterAqua solution to the new G/InterAqua solution.
Mobility Project Development
In 2003, AQUASIS developed the Mobility Project for EPAL – Empresa Portuguesa de Águas S.A., supported by the InterAqua application, which made it possible to make GIS information available on mobile stations, associated with the vehicles of the picket lines intervening in the network.
Development of the GIS G/InterAqua solution
In 2003, AQUASIS started the development of a new GIS application, called G/InterAqua. The development of the G/InterAqua solution corresponded to an extremely relevant technological evolution, supported by innovative technologies in the area of geographic information systems.
AQUASIS integrates AdP Group
In 2002, AQUASIS - Consultores de Engenharia Municipal e Ambiente, Lda., was acquired by Grupo Águas de Portugal, in 55% of its share capital, having been transformed into a public limited company and adopted the new corporate name of AQUASIS, Sistemas de Informação , SA.
In 2002, AQUASIS became RSP (Register Solution Provider) of Intergraph Corporation, being one of the oldest partners of Intergraph Portugal. The partnership established with this company dates back to 1991 and gives AQUASIS the possibility of, whenever necessary, resorting to its specialist technicians.
InterAqua / INTERGRAPH Partnership
In 1993 the InterAqua GIS Solution was developed, in partnership with Intergraph Portugal.
AQUASIS Foundation
AQUASIS was founded in 1991 by civil engineers from the hydraulics area. Since its inception, AQUASIS has combined its know-how in the areas of intervention in hydraulic and sanitary engineering and skills in the area of information technology and information systems. Since then, AQUASIS has consolidated its intervention in the development of information systems for managing entities of water supply, sanitation and waste systems. It is recognized as a pioneer company in Portugal in the implementation of information technologies applied to the water sector.
Quality, Environment and Safety Management System
Our Quality, Environment and Safety Management System aims to contribute to a more effective and efficient organizational performance.
It comprises the Company's integrated management in terms of quality, environment and safety and health at work, according to the normative references NP EN ISO 9001 (Quality), NP EN ISO 14001 (Environment) and NP EN ISO 45001 (Safety). AQUASIS is certified according to the 3 normatives references since 2012.

In December 2018, AQUASIS became part of the Quality, Environment and Safety Management System of AGS - Administration and Management of Health Systems, SA, within the scope of the maintenance audit carried out at AGS, which included the extension of its System Management to AQUASIS, following the acquisition of 55% of the share capital of AQUASIS by AGS.
We thus reaffirm our commitment to monitor existing processes and continuously and systematically promote the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of stakeholders, with a particular focus on our Customers, in a socially responsible, environmentally sustainable manner and ensuring prevention and minimizing the risks to which our employees and visitors are exposed.
QAS Management System Policy
ISO 9001 certificate
ISO 14001 certificate
ISO 45001 Certificate
